Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I will probably have another downstairs bbq on 30 aug (look at sidebar for reason). It's personal, but all are welcome.
I also found something interesting:
http://www.wargh.net/I remember we were discussing paintball, so maybe we can do wargh in future. If we get a permit we can play wargh in school =P
We ain't overlapping - posted by 301 at 9:56 pm
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Class fund
I know i'm not the treasurer, but suddenly become the de facto tax collector....
So i'll just make it clear:
O$P$ !!!!!!!!Yeah, my mother's complaining that we had to do almost all the work and most ppl just stay there and slack.... i know the few who actually helped. Thanks a lot to them (surprise, surprise, they are the ones who paid).
After going to get all those stuff, i haven't claimed from some ppl (my time very valuable, ok?). My list says 12 don't owe me now, leaving {count yourself} who are just waiting for the pig head outside their door =P.
It was confusing for those who
1) come but are not in our mentor group anymore
2) who are in our mentor group but never come
Various ppl have their own opinions, about them. For me, i feel those in category 2 should contribute $6 to the class fund for not coming (who ask you never come?). For category 1, if you feel unfair, go claim from them.... i too lazy.
By the way, 6 SGD is now 135 billion ZWD (dropped from 67 trillion)
We ain't overlapping - posted by 301 at 10:00 pm
Charge revival
Hello, this blog is in coma. Ha. ha.
I thought of bringing back the game
Charge to remedy stoning in the morning.
For those who forgot what you wasted time in school on, or those who were not in this upper primary school craze, let me summarise: it is a complicated multiplayer form form of scissor paper stone principles. Here I have 2 versions: Nan Hua Pri 2003 Grads Basic "Gabriel" Version and Nan Hua Pri 2003 Grads Goli "Terence" Version. Other schools have their own with the same principles (game theory, psychology). The move naming is a bit retarded, but that makes it more fun X).
The Basic Version (before going on to "goli" version)
How to play: clap twice, and say out your move while doing the hand action.
How to lose: charge while another player attacks, or if your attack is weaker than another player, or your block gets owned by an uber attack.
(Action) (Charge cost) (Ability) (Hand sign)
Charge (+1). Gives you 1 charge. Fingers curl, hands interlocking
Block (0). Blocks most attacks. Arms cross in X shape, like blocking
Hadouken "dugen" (-1). Attack. Wrists touch, palms facing forward, like the Street Fighter move
Sonic boom (-2). Attack. Arms pulled to side, fists closed
A-bomb (-3). Attack. Hands raised, opening outwards
Psychic (-4). Attack. Two fingers pointing to side of head
Thunder (-5). Attack. Two fingers touching outstretched elbow
Tornado (-6). Attack. Fingers spin in opposite direction
Lightning (-7). Attack. Two fingers touching outstretched wrist
Brainwash (-8). Attack. Like psychic, but fingers spin
Combo (-10). Attack, wins block. Hands quickly separate vertically
H-bomb (-12). Attack, wins block. Like A-bomb, but hands fall first
We ain't overlapping - posted by 301 at 8:43 pm